Thursday, August 9, 2012

long distance blog

    * sorry this has nothing to do with this blog *

Ok I have a plan we start a  private Blog for only Me Randomnessrocks64 and Trailblaiser! I read this book where these girls made this long distance blog where they wrote to each other and posted about there lives on a blog.
Yes  know I'm crazy .. ( You can laugh Randomnessrocks64 ) But whose with me????

** And book reviews... ; )


  1. Sure, I'm in. Honored to be included!

    1. I need your email for this account.

  2. *scoff* You don't know crazy till you've met me. But sure, I'd love too!

  3. Great I already have randomnessrocks64 email but I don't have TrailBlaisers. I'll send you guys a link on this blog.


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^.^ - Admin